What Spring Means to Me

Today, March 30th is the last day of winter! Oh, I understand the whole spring equinox thing happened on the 21st, but, that meant nothing to me. No, the weather was still cold, nothing happened of significance for me to say it was spring, and that we could come out of our holes and once again take back nature.

I think anyone reading this (sports) site, know what I'm driving at, spring, doesn't start until baseball starts! Yes, the boys of summer return tomorrow and I'm officially flipping Winter '10/'11 as it fades away in the rear view.

Now, I get your senses prepared:

-The crack of a bat
-The smell of the grass
-The scents of charcoal, bratwurst, and suds in the parking lot
-The roar of the crowd
-The sound of the organ playing classic baseball sounds
-The sight of kids playing catch and chasing after poorly thrown balls
-The fun of playing bags, washers, or ladder golf
-The taste of sunflower seeds
-The excitement of walking up to Miller Park!

Good Luck to our Milwaukee Brewers!


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