It feels so good to be back .... Now, where were we?

The last post on our site (9/11/2014), was about how the NFL sucks, and two days prior to that (9/DoTheMath/2014), the post was about a lapse of judgement by Aaron Rodgers. Wow, I guess the world hasn't changed one bit since 2014. The NFL is still an extremely frustrating organization and Aaron Rodgers is still making lapses in judgement.

So, we should be able seamlessly hop right back in, let me just scan the internet quick to see what has happened in the world since we last left off 10 years ago. 




That guy? .... Wasn't that a Simpsons joke years ago?




I lived through this? Am I okay....I'm not? This literally affected my mental health?


That's it, right....RIGHT!?




I'm 41 now!!!

Wow, that was a Prince Fielder sized blow to the head (Todd Greene, I'm sorry for that reference, the MLB changed the collision rule too late for you, and that sucks).

So, why are we back? Maybe we're in a mid-life crisis desperate to remember a time where we felt relevant.  But probably, because writing has always been therapeutic for us, and based on the last 10 years, some self-therapy is definitely needed.  But why now? Between the craziness that is the world and our own fast changing lives, it was hard to focus, but after Lange and I had a few drinks while watching the Milwaukee Milkmen, it was decided that it is time (we've decided like 100x prior, but this one felt real).

So, gone are the Brauns and the Rodgers, in are the Willys and the Loves. It's a new era and we're excited to see where it takes us this time .... so, as the kids say, LET'S DO THIS!

So, buckle up, we have big ideas in store, (more to come on that), and we'll be trying to update the look of the site as we go, but as previously posted, we need to relearn a few things about the internet first.

So for now, grab your favorite sudsy beverage and well, I guess this post is over, get outside or something, and check back later. Oh, and follow us on the newest Social Media craze...MySpa...nope...TIKTOK, @wisportstap



p.s. I changed my handle name because some no-talent assclown ruined what was a perfectly good nickname by beating women and allegedly running a trafficking ring.  .... Fuck you Puff Daddy, I knew you'd mess up the Diddy name as well. 
