What is WIsconsin Sports Tap in 2025

16 years ago Wisconsin Sports Tap made it's first post, and for about five years it contributed consistently to the zeitgeist of the Wisconsin Sports Blog Scene.  Helping to fill demand for creative writing outside of the realm of game recaps and paywalls.  Attention spans were longer, lives were less demanding, and the world was our oyster.  It was the glory days of SportsBubbler, enabling high quality to have access amongst a burgeoning social media community.  It was before we understood what clickbait was.

But then, lives change.  We grow older, our time becomes more in demand. Divorces, careers, and kids become the norm.  If you aren't busy, you're tired.  And if you aren't busy or tired, you're working.  So you take what I'm electing to call a long term sabbatical.  It took ten years to get back to Ithaca.

But time is created, and writing is catharsis.  So it brings me back full circle to what 10-year-old me wanted to be when he grew up.  He wanted to be a writer, I wanted to be a writer.  And at my core, I think that's a mountain I'm always going to try and climb.  Just one of the many ways that 10-year-old me was still smarter than 41-year-old me.

That brings us to today.  A quarter of a century into the 2000s, it's time to be a writer (of some kind) again.  And while the myriad of fiction stories that have been in hibernation slowly start to stir, to the Tap we go.  To reignite the creativity, and to remind myself that I write because I like to write.  Not even sure if I'm still good at it.

So what are we going to offer on the grown-up version of the Sports Tap? I'm glad you asked.

A fresh perspective.

Probably not.  Where do you even go for quality regional sports coverage anymore?  Sure the Athletic is great, but everything local is behind a paywall.  Every time you get something off your google news feed you have to click 15 times to read a story that was a recap of something from some other website.  Media today is weird.

Thoroughly Researched, Supremely In-Depth Content.

Look I'd love to offer the same type of in-depth, analytical, well thought out coverage that was offered when the site first launched, but I've got a day job my dude.  It might happen from time to time, but don't expect us to be your daily content provider.

Exciting Recaps of Big Games!

No. Absolutely not.  Go find that from people with access.

A podcast?

Maybe.  Well no. But maybe.  But I mean, hopefully?  To be determined.

Hilarious tik-toks and reels!

What part of 'I have a day job' didn't connect?  Look, I don't even have facebook anymore.  Maybe we'll get down with the socials, but damn that's going to take a minute.

Sounds like a lot of nothing.

Not true!  Give us some time.  Let some routines reset themself.  And we'll see what the year brings.  We all have stories to tell and time is fleeting, so it's time to start telling you some of ours.  This could vary from heavily sports themed reads, to existential conversations about the future, to thought pieces about life where we are today.

No, it won't always be sports.  But it will always be honest, and it will always be sincere, because there's the only
way that we know how.

I guess at the end of the day, I hope I give you something to read while you're pooping at work.  Enjoy!
